Please follow the Sandbox best practices when upgrading.

There is a one to one relationship between a Salesforce Sandbox and an Asperato Customer ID.  There are two options when refreshing sandboxes. 

Option 1
You can move the Asperato Customer ID to another sandbox but it can only be connected to one Salesforce Sandbox at a time.  To connect a new Sandbox to an existing Asperato Customer ID I need to link it via a Merchant API Key.  So you would need to provide the following information in a ticket to
  • Sandbox Salesforce org ID, 
  • Asperato Customer ID  
  • Providing us with Grant Account log in access under Payonomy T/A Asperato one.  
This will mean that you will keep your Customised paypage and test PSP connections that you have set up.

Option 2 
Alternatively you can simply connect the new Salesforce ORG ID to a new Asperato customer ID (which will be generated when you connect Asperato on the Asperato Setup tab). Asperato Connect and setup.  

You will have the default settings for the paypage and PSP connections setup for you.  If you need to copy over the Paypage customisations we can support you with this.