In certain situations, when looking for information about authorisations & payments or investigating issues, it can be helpful to view the history of records where users can see updates for field values.

Salesforce offers the ability to track field history on custom objects, but out of the box this is not enabled for Asperato.

We recommend that you follow instructions in Salesforce documentation and enable history tracking on objects/fields listed below

Object name: Authorisation (Asperato Authorisation in newer package versions)

API name: asp04__Authorisation__c


  • asp04__Asperato_Repeat_Token__c
  • asp04__Merchant_Group__c
    (as of version 2.21 replaced with asp04__Merchant_Group_Picklist__c)
  • asp04__Payment_Route_Selected__c
  • asp04__Status__c
  • asp04__Status_Description__c

Object name: Payment (Asperato Payment in newer package versions)

API name: asp04__Payment__c


  • asp04__Asperato_Reference__c
  • asp04__Merchant_Group__c
    (as of version 2.21 replaced with asp04__Merchant_Group_Picklist__c)
  • asp04__Payment_Route_Selected__c
  • asp04__Payment_Stage__c
  • asp04__Payment_Stage_Description__c