Release Features

Default Settings for Payment Page Navigation

Asperato have added the ability for our clients to control where their customers navigate to when using the Payment & Authorisation Pay Pages . 

Why this feature is so important:

  • The End Point fields control the redirection of an end customer to specific URLs depending on whether the Pay Page transaction is successful, failed or cancelled.  These previously had to be set using a Flow or Apex on each Payment or Authorisation record which had to be written by an Implementation partner or consultant.  We have made this easier by adding a custom setting for these fields so that each record will default from those if they are set, however each record can be overwritten if required based on your specific business requirements.

  • If you are not using these end points, the custom settings can remain unpopulated and the record level fields can also remain unpopulated without causing any issues to your user journey - these fields are simply an additional enhancement you may wish to use.

  • If you are currently using a custom Flow to populate the end point fields at a record level - these new custom settings will not affect that.  You can optionally choose to deactivate your Flow and use these instead, however it is not required to do so. 

How it works:

  • If you wish to use Org defaults for these end point fields, simply navigate to Custom Settings and set URL values in the following settings:

Authorisation Cancel

Authorisation Fail

Authorisation Success

Payment Cancel

Payment Fail

Payment Success

  • Create your payment or authorisation records as normal in Asperato, you’ll see the custom setting value populates on the record in the endpoint fields 

  • If you wish to overwrite these at record level then you are able to do tha by simply editing the record level field values..

Set Up:

  • You will need to add the following fields for the Endpoints to either the Authorisation or Payment Page Layouts as required if you wish to override them at individual record level.

    • Success Endpoint (asp04__Success_Endpoint_Long__c)

    • Fail Endpoint (asp04__Fail_Endpoint_Long__c)

    • Cancel Endpoint (asp04__Cancel_Endpoint_Long__c)

‘Add Payment Method’ Button image included on Authorisation

Why this feature is important:

Asking your customers to provide you with a preferred payment method is something you will do time and time again. This button makes the customer experience of providing you with card details, or setting up a bank mandate better.


How it works:

We have added logic for an out of the box Authorisation button which you can use, rather than having to create your own.

This image (which can be replaced with your own) is displayed on the Authorisation Record in the field ‘Authorisation Image’. Simply decide how you want to expose this image to your end customers for them to create Authorisation details with minimal clicks.

Amending the 'Add Payment Method' button in this release:

  • To use your own image, all you need to do is navigate to Set Up → Static Resources, upload your own image in here. The size of the image is 150 wide and the height will be taken from the image you upload - so bear that in mind for correct rendering of any images.

  • Then go to SetUp → Custom Settings → Asperato ONE settings and check the ‘Use Custom Auth Image’ checkbox.

  • Create a custom field on the Authorisation object of type 'formula'

  • The formula should look something like this (as an example)

  • IF( asp04__eCommerce_URL__c != null, HYPERLINK("https://" + $Setup.asp04__AsperatoOneSettings__c.asp04__Server_URL__c + "/PMWeb1?pmRef=" + asp04__Customer_ID__c + "&aid=" + Id + "&locale=" + TEXT(asp04__Language__c) +"&dit=" + asp04__Data_Integrity_Token__c , IF( $Setup.asp04__AsperatoOneSettings__c.asp04__Use_Custom_Pay_Now_Image__c , IMAGE("/resource/PayNowImage1", 'Auth Online',-1,150) , IMAGE("",'Pay Online',-1,150)) ), null )

  • Your custom image will now be displayed on the Authorisation Record in the custom field

Packaged Reports and Dashboards. 

We have created some packaged reports within the Asperato One App for ease of set up.  These reports and dashboards are in the Asperato Reports Folder within the standard Salesforce Reports.  We have created one Dynamic Dashboard to give your users some useful information about the Asperato Payments & Collections.  If you already have existing dynamic dashboards in your org, then please refer to the 'Upgrade Considerations' section in this document for further information.

  • Failed Collections

  • Failed/Successful Collections

  • Card Details expiring in the next 3 months

  • Failed Payments*

  • Failed/Successful Payments*

Note * these reports will only have data within them if Outbound Payments is being used within the organisation

Renamed Payment Date Fields

From feedback from our customers, we have now renamed some of our date fields on the Payment Object to make them more easily understood.  These are Label changes only from ‘Process Date’ to ‘Scheduled Process Date’ and ‘Payment Date’ to ‘Payment Processing Date’.  API names have stayed the same.  You do not need to do anything for these changes to take effect - on upgrading these field names and updated help text will be changed.

GoCardless Customers - New Features

For our GoCardless customers we have made the following changes to our Asperato One package.

Cancel Mandate can now be called with code, rather than via the button

We have made changes to the Cancel Mandate functionality which now allows this process to be called via Apex Code or a Flow which contains an apex class using this code.

Why this feature is so important:

  • The previous functionality was a button accessed from the Authorisation record directly called ‘Cancel Mandate’.  As a result of customer feedback, we have now allowed this feature to be called via Apex so that it can be included in any process automation

How it works:

  • If you want to use custom code to call the Cancel Mandate functionality, you need to use this asp04.CancelMandateProcess.CancelMandate('a022z000002Fq3AAAS'); //Replace with actual authorisation id

Flexibility on Payment Retries with Success+

Success+ with GoCardless is an existing supported feature within the Asperato One package, however we have made some changes to this to allow individual Payment records to be excluded from the intelligent retry process.

Why this feature is so important:

  • Previously - the Success+ feature with GoCardless worked at org level - with no way to exclude certain payments from this process.  In this release, we have made it possible to exclude these payments, so you can have full control over your retry process

How it works:

  • Once this has been enabled for you, Payment records which are created after that will have the ‘Success+enabled’ checkbox set to TRUE by default

  • If you wish to exclude certain Payment Records, then use the edit option to untick the value in Success+enabled checkbox

Setting up Success+:

  • You need to enable Success+ separately for each currency from GoCardless Dashboard. Contact GoCardless Support for further information on setup and testing of this feature.

  • Contact Asperato Support team at to enable this for you within the Asperato One package. 

  • Add the following fields to the Page Layout 

    1. Success+enabled

    2. Approx. Next Retry Date

  • The 'Attempt Retry' field is set by the value in the custom setting and could be different to the 'Success plus enabled' checkbox.  The payments will only be retried if the value in the 'Success+enabled' field and the 'Attempt Retry' field are both checked.

Outbound (Supplier/Vendor) Payments

Asperato have built an Outbound Payments Feature in conjunction with FinancialForce to automate the payments to third party suppliers/ vendors, or expense payments to staff. This functionality drops the reliance on downloading and uploading bank format files, instead making payments directly to your vendors via APIs. In versions 2.18.1 and 2.19, this is available to FinancialForce customers using the FinancialForce and Asperato Integration package.

We are looking for Early Adopters in North America only at this stage to upgrade to this existing new feature and provide feedback. We’re also interested in speaking to customers wishing to use this feature outside of FinancialForce. 

If you are interested in being an early adopter or understanding what this feature entails contact

For FinancialForce Customers - go to our Getting Started Guide for help and guidance.


Bug Fixes

  • Other minor bug fixes


How to upgrade to R2.19

Upgrade to the latest version 2.19 from AppExchange

Or with link here:

Other Considerations

  • If you are running a package older than 2.16 then refer release notes for all the releases in between to know the configurations for features released in between up to release 2.17

  • If you have Dynamic Dashboards in your Salesforce org, and you try to install this version you may encounter an error - to get around this issue you can either contact Salesforce to increase your dynamic dashboard limit, or please deactivate one of your existing dashboards, then when you install Asperato One Summer 22, you can then choose to de-activate our dashboards to reinstate your existing one.

  • Record Type Changes - in version 2.18.1 we made some changes to introduce two new Record Types of Inbound and Outbound to our Payment and Authorisation Objects.  The current collections functionality is now classed as a record type of Inbound.  

    • You must add the correct Record Type to any existing Asperato User’s profiles upon upgrade to version 2.18.1 and beyond.

