Release Features

Take Payments Using QR Code

Asperato have added an out of the box Payment and Authorisation QR Code. 

Why this feature is so important:

  • Send your customers a QR Code for them to scan to make payment, or capture their bank details for future payments.  Make it as easy as possible for them to pay you.

How it works:

  1. Add Field ‘QR Code’ to the Payment & Authorisation Page Layouts in Salesforce.

  2. Create your payment record as normal in Asperato, you’ll see a QR code available which you can expose to your customers in a variety of ways.

  3. Scanning this QR Code will take you to the Payment or Authorisation page in order for the customer to enter their details.

Set Up:

  • Add Field ‘QR Code’ to the Payment & Authorisation Page Layouts in Salesforce.

‘Pay Now’ Button image included on Payments

To make Setting Up Asperato easier, we have added an out of the box Payment button image which you can use out of the box, rather than create your own.

This Pay Now image is displayed on the Payment Record in the field ‘Payment Image’. Simply decide how you want to expose this image to your end customers for them to pay you with minimal clicks.

Amending the Pay Now Image:

  • In this release, you can create a custom field for your own Pay Now Image, to do this you need to: 

  • Upload your custom image into static resources

  • Select 'Use custom pay now image' in the Asperato One settings in custom settings

  • Create a custom field on the payment object of type formula.  

  • The formula should go something like the following as rough guidance but please feel free to use your own depending on your requirements -
    IF( asp04__eCommerce_URL__c != null,

    HYPERLINK("https://" + $Setup.asp04__AsperatoOneSettings__c.asp04__Server_URL__c + "/PMWeb1?pmRef=" + asp04__Customer_ID__c + "&aid=" + Id + "&locale=" + TEXT(asp04__Language__c) +"&dit=" + asp04__Data_Integrity_Token__c ,

    IF( $Setup.asp04__AsperatoOneSettings__c.asp04__Use_Custom_Pay_Now_Image__c , IMAGE("/resource/PayNowImage1", 'Auth Online',-1,150) , IMAGE("",'Pay Online',-1,150)) ),
    null )

GoCardless - Store Bank Name on Payment. 

In order to be compliant with the GoCardless Scheme rules (when not using standard GoCardless notifications), we now store the bank name on the payment record when Direct Debits are processed via GoCardless so that they can be confirmed to the customer. 

To enable: 

  • Add ‘Bank Name’ field to the Payment Page Layout.

Outbound (Supplier/Vendor) Payments

Asperato have built an Outbound Payments Feature in conjunction with FinancialForce.  For Version 2.18.1, this is only available to FinancialForce customers using the FinancialForce and Asperato Integration package, however keep up to date with our product news to hear more about when this will be available to a wider audience.

This feature needs to be enabled by our Support team even in the free trial.

If you are interested in understanding what this feature entails contact

For FinancialForce Customers - go to our Getting Started Guide for help and guidance.


Bug Fixes

  • Other minor bug fixes


Upgrade Considerations

Upgrade to the latest version 2.18.1 from AppExchange

Or with link here:

As part of our Outbound Payments work, we have made a change to the Payment and Authorisation Objects to introduce two new record types. The current collections functionality is now classed as a record type of Inbound.  

You must add the correct Record Type to existing Asperato User’s profiles upon upgrade to this version.

Important Information.

  • Please contact Asperato Support on when you upgrade any sandbox or production environments to ensure that your Asperato environment is correctly configured - we are making some changes on our side to automate this process in the next 2.19 release, but for 2.18.1 it is key that you contact our support team to make sure you have no processing issues.
  • If you are running a package older than 2.17 then refer release notes for all the releases in between to know the configurations for features released in between earlier versions.



For Product/Technical Help for Release Upgrade, contact