Customisable Domain for Payment & Authorisation URL (


You can now customise the subdomain for your payment and authorisation URLs to better align with your brand, using the format <mycustomsubdomain> To use this feature, follow the steps outlined below.


Step 1: Create a Connected App in Salesforce

  1. Navigate to App Manager:

    • Go to Set Up > App Manager.
    • Click on 'New Connected App'.
  2. Enter App Details:

    • Connected App Name: Choose a name, e.g., PaymentURLApp.
    • Callback URL: Enter your desired URL, including the https prefix, e.g., (ensure it ends with
    • Selected OAuth Scope: Select "Full access" and "Perform requests at any time".
    • Ensure that the only checkbox which is set under API (enable OAuth) Settings is 'Require secret for web server flow' and the others are left unchecked. 
    • Hit save
  3. Save and Record Credentials:

    • After saving, navigate to 'Manage Consumer Details'.
    • Note down the Client Key and Secret Key for use in Step 3.

Step 2: Configure Custom Settings

  1. Add Custom URL:
    • Go to Set up > Quick Find > Custom Settings > Asperato ONE Settings > Server URL.
    • Enter the full URL (excluding the /SFAuth at the end) but including the https prefix, e.g.,

Step 3: Add the New URL to the Remote Site Settings.  Navigate to 'Remote Sit Settings' in Salesforce set up and then click new.  Enter a name and the remote site URL (the same URL you are using eg '') and 'active' = true.  Then click save.

Step 4: Contact to add your custom domain to our server.  We will need to know the domain and also whether it is for test or live.

Step 5: Reconnect Asperato with Salesforce

  1. Connect in Asperato Setup:

    • Go to 'Asperato Set Up' from the App Launcher menu.
    • Click 'Set Up Configuration' and enter the Client and Secret Key obtained earlier.
    • Click 'Connect' and then 'Reconnect Salesforce' to complete the authentication.
  2. Verify Configuration:

    • Ensure all sections on the setup page have green ticks, indicating successful setup.

Final Step: Testing Your Custom Domain

  • Create a new authorisation or payment record to test your new custom URL.

Additional Payment Options: Apple and Google Pay

We have provided the ability for you to collect payments via Apple or Google Pay, allowing enhanced customer convenience which may lead to higher conversion rates, giving you a competitive edge.

How it works

Both Apple and Google Pay work off Card payment rails.  To use this, you should have 'Card' as the Payment Route Option on either the authorisation or payment record.  If there is an active card in the wallet, then Apple or Google Pay will appear as the payment option alongside card on that payment page.  If an active wallet does not exist, your users will not see this an an option to pay by.


Step 1: You will need to ensure that you are using one of these PSP Connections:  

Stripe Connect

Payonomy Gateway

*Other PSPs will be available in the future or upon request.  Please speak to our support team for assistance at

Step 2: Create a PSP Connection under your merchant group for 'ECOM' for GBP

Step 3: On the Authorisation or Payment record/s make sure that Card is set in the Payment Route Options field

Apple Pay

  1. Contact your PSP to enable Apple Pay
  2. Contact Asperato support to enable Apple Pay for each Merchant Group you wish to use this as a payment option for.
  3. Domain Verification (if using an iFrame):
    • Inform Asperato of your domain URL(s).
    • Asperato will register your domain with Apple and provide verification files.
    • Host these files on your server for verification.
    • Complete these steps at least 2-3 days before going live to ensure proper propagation.

Note: If using an iFrame for Apple Pay

  • The upload of these files is time sensitive and needs actioning as soon as possible after the files have been generated by us.
  • We would advise that this is done at least 24 hours but ideally 2-3 days before any testing or Live payments are due to be taken on the iFramed paypage.
  • The SSL certificates need to be renewed at least 2 weeks before they expire.  We will advise you of the date that this is due to expire however it is your own responsibility to ensure that these are kept up to date within the timeframes given otherwise it will interrupt your Apple Pay service.

Google Pay

  • Contact your PSP to enable Google Pay.
  • Contact Asperato support for configuration per Merchant Group.

Note: If using an iFrame, Google Pay does not require the domain verification process.

Pure text URL for the eCommerce/Pay Now Link on both Payments and Authorisations

A plain text URL field (without the HTML tags), is now available for easier integration into email templates.

To use - add the field asp04__eCommerce_link__c into your desired email templates.

Defect Fixes in 2.27.4

There were some defects found in Version 2.27.3 which have been fixed in 2.27.4

These are:

  • The formula field (asp04__eCommerce_link__c) for the eCommerce URL was incorrectly defined on the Payment Object.
  • There was a permission missing in the following permissions sets: AsperatoFullAdmin, Asperato Refund and Asperato Admin without Setup.  This has been rectified and added.

How to Upgrade to Asperato 2.27.4

If you are upgrading from versions prior to 2.22, then please ensure you follow the steps in the Release notes for each version.  

In particular Release 2.21 Documentation  around the Merchant Group fields.  This is criticato the smooth running of this version.

The installation link is here

To install in Production - swap the 'test' prefix for 'login'

Or directly install our package from the App Exchange.  


You must ensure that the 'Connected User' - the person who clicks 'Connect' on the Asperato Set Up tab has the Asperato Full Admin permission set applied to them.  This person needs to be an active user at all times in the org.

Other Considerations

If you are running a package older than v2.16, please refer to release notes for all the releases in between to ensure all upgrade steps have been completed up to the latest version.

Record Type Changes - in version 2.18.1 we made some changes to introduce two new Record Types of Inbound and Outbound to our Payment and Authorisation Objects.  The collections functionality is now classed as a record type of Inbound.  

You must add the correct Record Type to any and all existing Asperato User’s profiles upon upgrade to version 2.18.1 and beyond.

If you are not using Outbound payments - simply remove the Outbound Record Type from the Payment and Authorisation Objects (steps on how to do this outlined in the knowledge article here

We recommend following Salesforce Best Practices on App Upgrades by installing the package for Admins Only and in Sandbox orgs first before deploying to Production.

The Salesforce Setting 'Enable notifications in Lightning Experience and Salesforce mobile app' needs to be set as follows



For Product/Technical Help for Release Upgrade, contact